Reinvest24 – A crowdfunding platform to invest in real estate

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Real estate investments should be at the top of the priorities when it comes to investing money. Real estate is one of the safest ways to invest money, and it helps fight inflation. Real estate can also provide passive monthly income by investing in rental properties.

In addition, the risks associated with real estate are quite small compared to equities or bonds. However, this business niche also has its cons. the main disadvantage is that investing in real estate requires big capital.

Fortunately, investing in property today is easy thanks to real estate investment platforms such as Reinvest24.

What is Reinvest24?

Reinvest24 is an European-based real estate investment platform. The co-financing platform was launched in 2018, but the Reinvest24 team has been investing in high-profile real estate for more than 10 years. The Reinvest24 team consists of experts in finance, real estate and IT with many years of experience working with more than 10 million euros in investment.

The genius of reinvest24 is the fact that they take care of the local experts for everything else. The processing, IT, project search, negotiations and much more you do not have to do personally. Just create an account and start investing!

Reinvest24 democratized real estate investments, making them accessible to anyone, allowing people to invest in real estate starting from € 100.

What kind of returns can I expect?

The revolutionary thing about ReInvest24 is that the return is made up of monthly rental income and value added. This means that in the case of a sale of the property, the profit is also divided among the investors.

The combined historical performance is 14% per year. It includes net rental yields, mostly 8% and capital growth 6%. Reinvest24 provides investors with monthly passive income from rental income as well as capital gains when they exit. In other words, you get regular income and a healthy return on the value of the invested object. Therefore, you will get revenue from both short-term and long-term profits. As you can see, with ReInvest24 you can get very nice returns.

This is why investing on Reinvest24 is better than buying your real estate. It cannot be denied that investing in real estate independently can also bring you a good profit, but it certainly needs more knowledge, more money and more protection.

The real estate investment platform Reinvest24 democratizes investment in real estate so you can grow your capital simply, cheaply and safely. Another advantage is that the platform is free of charge for investors and can be invested in attractive real estate projects as low as 100 euros.

Reinvest24 Pros

  • Investments starting from 100 euros
  • Return on investment up to 14.6%
  • Opportunity to sell shares and withdraw money at any time
  • Comprehensive reviews of investment projects
  • Real estate investments have low risks and low volatility
  • Monthly cash flow from rental income
  • Attractive capital gains
  • Opportunity to continue investing and expanding your portfolio

Reinvest24 Cons

  • Relatively new investment platform
  • No buyback guarantee
  • The investment is made online

You can start small by investing in real estate from € 100

Property prices continue to rise every year. Nowadays, you need at least 100K to buy, develop and either rent or sell decent real estate profitably. However, with Reinvest24 you can easily become a real estate investor starting with 100 euros. Investing in small amounts over a long period can even make you a millionaire in less than 30 years.

For example, investing 10K (one-off initial investment) and 100 euros regularly for 28 consecutive years, you will reach the investment portfolio with a projected value of 1,066,375 € by 2047.

Your legal costs are optimized

Another time-consuming and stressful moment in real estate investing is all the legal procedures and paperwork you need to deal with. Starting with notary fees and ending with the number of licenses required to develop your property, legal costs can seriously damage your budget and potential returns.

With Reinvest24, your costs are optimized and you pay only a small percentage of what you

You can easily diversify and get passive income from multiple sources

Wise investor diversifies. In other words, many investments are made to secure income from multiple sources, reducing the risk of investment in capital. Real estate investment platforms allows investors to easily diversify.

You can choose from several different types of properties; commercial, residential, or investment types; development projects, long-term rentals and attractive short-term rentals. Reinvest24 is constantly expanding its markets by offering real estate projects in different regions.

Investment structure

  • Reinvest24 chooses the best real estate projects.
  • Real estate projects are then considered and published for co-financing.
  • Investors then register and perform the identification procedure before they can make a deposit on the platform.
  • Investors can choose between a variety of commercial, rental and development properties.
  • Investors are allocated shares for investment in the property.
  • Investments are secured by property mortgages acting as collateral to all investors.
  • Once the funding phase is over, the SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) company is created.
  • Contracts are automatically made for each investment.
  • Investors are profiting from rents and capital gains.
  • SPV manages properties, deal with tenants and other daily activities.
  • Rent property investors receive monthly dividends from rentals.
  • Investors may terminate their participation in the investment project at any time by selling their shares.
  • Investors can choose to pay money or continue investing their profits to diversify their investment portfolio.

How is the investment secured?

When you invest in real estate through Reinvest24, your investment is as protected as buying a real estate independently. Each item becomes part of a special purpose company with legal subsidiary status, which reduces risks and keeps liabilities to investors. All our real estate properties stand alone and are not affected by the financial situation of other projects.

Namely, for each object, a mortgage is assigned by a designated law firm that takes on the role of a security agent to protect the interests of investors. The property you invest in is a guarantee, so your investment is always guaranteed by the value of the capital . For your peace of mind, read more about the post - 6 reasons why you can sleep at rest on the Reinvest24 platform at night.

Your invested capital is directly related to the property itself. This means that investors are profiting from the rise in the value of the property over time, especially when it is developed. In addition, investors are free to sell their shares at any time in an open market.

After Reinvest24 acquires the necessary capital for the investment project, the property becomes an Special Purpose Entity (SPV). SPV is a legal subsidiary that reduces risk and retains the obligation for investors. Because each property has its own SPV, all properties remain safe and are not affected by the financial standing of other projects.

Is there any kind of guarantee for investments?

When the property is purchased, it is pledged by a certain legal firm that assumes the role of collateral agent. The collateral agent is an objective watchdog that ensures that the interests of investors are kept safe.

If the criteria are met in accordance with the collateral agent contract, they receive control of the property, with one order, to sell the property at the highest possible price by distributing the assets received to investors. The property you invest in becomes collateral. This means that your investment is protected by the value of the property.

Reinvest24 secondary market

Selling real estate can take a lot of time and patience. Maybe it will take several months, maybe it will take several years. Do you have enough time and money to wait for the market to fall? Reinvest24 gives your investors a simple way out. You can sell your stake every time on our secondary market. Your money, including your earned dividends, will be paid directly to your bank account.

Besides, you can sell your participation in several parts if you only want to liquidate a small part of your investment. In any case, the situation is much easier and faster than selling real estate . But the secret to getting rich through real estate lies in buying-and-hold strategy. The longer you hold your investment, the more money you will earn on capital growth. Read more about positioning - Why real estate prices have risen and will always grow.

Preliminary conclusion

With Reinvest24, you can easily become a real estate investor by investing 100 euros. In addition to monthly passive income from rental properties, you will get an attractive return on capital as you decide to withdraw. The average annual profit is 14.6% of net profit and capital gains.

Although Reinvest24 is a new investment platform, the team and management behind Reinvest24 have many years of professional experience.When you invest in real estate with Reinvest24, you are given shares that you can keep or sell on the open market at any time.

Each investment has a special purpose vehicle driven by an insurance agent, which means that the property is not affected by other projects. In conclusion, real estate investment is a safe way to protect your money and increase your wealth over time. But above all, you can start with a very small investment in real estate without the need for huge capital.

Tagged in: crowdfunding


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Guest Saturday, 27 July 2024