10 Great Ways To Make Money From Home

Posted by kentemad on in Personal Finance
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Buried in debt? Struggling to pay the bills? Tired of a long commute? Check out these awesome ways to make money from home! If you want to become financially stable, a good start is to make extra money.

You can do these things after work, in the weekends or when you’re kids are asleep or at school.

Some ideas on the list can even earn you a full-time income from home!

#1: Sell things you’re not using anymore

Most people have a home full of things they don’t use anymore. Do you have kids? You might be able to get rid of baby stuff when they are getting older. Also go trough their toys with them. Which items aren’t they playing with anymore?

If you have furniture you’re not using anymore or don’t like anymore, make a photo and sell it online! And what about your clothes? Do you still wear everything in your wardrobe?

#2: Make money with your car

A few options to make money with your car:

  • Put commercials on your car and get paid for it
  • Rent out your car to someone else
  • Become an Uber and drive people to where they need to go

If you don’t use your car much, you can also sell your car of course. This doesn’t only save lots of money every month, but could earn you a nice amount of money, depending on what kind of car you own.

#3: Make money with your house

Do you have an extra room in your house? Or even an entire floor you don’t use? You can rent out a spare room via Airbnb and possibly make some good money from it.

There are more options to make money with a spare room. I found this guide with a couple of ideas.

#4: Become a virtual assistant

Virtual assistants are basically online office managers.

  • Do you like to do customer service tasks?
  • Are you good at managing social media?
  • Are you a real planner?

You can probably become a great virtual assistant and help businesses with the tasks they don’t have the time or the right knowledge for. This can all be done online, so it’s a great job to do from your own home.

Want to learn to become a virtual assistant? This article tells you all you need to know how to start your new business.

#5: Make money through investing

My favorite way to make money is to invest. It usually doesn’t cost you much time after you’ve done your research, so after a while, this can actually make you rich while you sleep ;)

Of course investing comes with a risk, but if you are willing to take a risk, this might be a great option for you to build up a passive income.

There are plenty of ways to invest your money, for example:

  • Real estate
  • Stocks
  • Bonds
  • P2P lending (Check out my ultimate guide to get you started!)
  • Invest in your house by paying off your mortgage

You can also invest in your own home:

  • Insulate your home
  • Pay off your mortgage
  • Get solar panels
  • Build an extra room to rent out

There are many more ways to invest your money. It depends on the amount of risk you are willing to take and how much money you have to invest.

#6: Start a blog

Blogging can be a good source of income. But it usually does take a lot of time and effort before you will make any money. But if you like to write and put your voice out there, then go for it!

I found an awesome course that I’m still working on at the moment. Everything this guy writes, makes sense to me. I love the way the thinks and writes! No sales crap, no fluff, just the truth.

Unlike others, he does tell you that blogging isn’t for everyone and that is does cost you a lot of time and you don’t always see results right away. I like his honesty.

If you want to see if his way of talking / writing / learning appeals to you, check out all of his free bootcamps on all the topics you want to gather information about.

#7: Flip domains

You can buy domains very cheap and if you get the right ones, you may be able to sell them for much more. Some domain names sell for millions. You do have to get a feeling for this and to look into good domains to know which ones to invest in.

Here’s a good guide to get you started.

#8: Do freelance work

If you have certain skills, you can put yourself out there and start doing freelance work. There are lots of companies looking for people to do small or sometimes bigger freelance jobs.

A lot of those jobs can be done from your home. Just check out what they need and apply if you think it suits you.

Two good websites to look for freelance work are:

#9: Make money on social media

If you have lots of followers on a social media platform, you can earn money by promoting products for brands. For most social media platforms you need at least 1000 followers.

You can also dive into Facebook Ads or Adsense. If you learn to master those skills, you can reach out to companies to do Facebook ad campaigns or Adsense campaigns for them.

If you’re good and build up some experience, you could easily make a lot of money with this.

#10: Make money by selling photos

Do you love to take photos and make great ones? You can actually make money by selling your photos!

Places to sell your photos:
Adobe Stock

If you’re really good, you can also make your own website. You can show your work and sell it trough your website. With your own website, you can also attract people that are looking for a photographer and get private requests.

With the right skills, you could start a side hustle as a wedding photographer for example.

Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship.


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Guest Saturday, 27 July 2024