Twino and Mintos new asset-backed securities product, How does It work?

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Twino and Mintos had recently become a regulated investment firm, meaning you won't invest anymore in assignment agreements or claim rights but in asset-backed securities.

The license will allow P2P Lending platforms to transform its current business model of allowing investors to purchase claim rights in the form of assignment agreements into asset-backed securities. thus making P2P Lending investments as common as investments in shares, real estate, or any other traditional asset class.

A regulated environment will provide investors with several benefits when investing on the P2P Lending platforms, including more transparency and investor protection.

What are securities?

Securities are financial instruments that represent ownership of an asset, such as stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments. They can be bought and sold on financial markets, and they are used by companies and governments to raise capital by selling ownership stakes to investors.

Securities are typically issued by companies or governments as a way to raise money to fund operations, expand their businesses, or finance projects. Investors who buy securities become shareholders or creditors, depending on the type of security they hold.

Securities are typically traded on a securities exchange, such as a stock exchange, and are regulated by governments to protect investors. There are various types of securities, including stocks, bonds, and options, which can be bought and sold by investors.

There are many different types of securities, including stocks, bonds, and derivatives.

The different types of securities

There are several types of securities that you might encounter in the financial markets. Some common types of securities include:

  • Stocks: These represent ownership in a company, and they give the holder the right to vote at shareholder meetings and to receive dividends.
  • Bonds: These are debt securities that are issued by companies, municipalities, and governments to raise capital. They pay periodic interest to the holder and return the principal when they mature.
  • Options: These are contracts that give the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a security at a specific price within a certain time frame.
  • Derivatives: These are financial instruments that are derived from other securities, such as stocks or bonds. They are typically used to hedge risk or to speculate on the price movements of the underlying security.
  • Mutual funds: These are investment vehicles that pool together money from many investors and use it to buy a diversified portfolio of securities.
  • Exchange-traded funds (ETFs): These are similar to mutual funds, but they are listed on exchanges and can be bought and sold throughout the trading day like stocks.
  • Money market instruments: These are short-term securities with maturities of less than one year, such as Treasury bills and commercial paper. They are considered to be very low risk and are often used to park cash or as a short-term investment.

How are securities created?

Securities are financial instruments that represent ownership of an asset, such as a company's stock, or a claim on an asset, such as a bond. There are many different types of securities, and they can be created in a number of ways.

One way that securities are created is through the process of underwriting. When a company wants to raise capital by issuing securities, it hires an investment bank to act as an underwriter. The underwriter works with the company to determine the terms of the security, such as the type of security (e.g., stock or bond), the number of securities being issued, and the price at which they will be sold. The underwriter then works with the company to market the securities to potential investors and facilitate the sale.

Securities can also be created through the process of asset securitization. This is the process of pooling together a group of assets, such as mortgages or auto loans, and issuing securities backed by those assets. The securities are then sold to investors, who receive a portion of the income generated by the underlying assets.

Finally, securities can be created through the process of initial coin offerings (ICOs). ICOs are a type of crowdfunding that involves issuing a new cryptocurrency or token in exchange for traditional currencies or other cryptocurrencies. These tokens can then be traded on cryptocurrency exchanges or used as a means of exchange within a particular ecosystem.

How securities are traded

Securities, such as stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments, are typically traded in financial markets. There are various types of financial markets, including primary markets, secondary markets, and over-the-counter (OTC) markets.

In primary markets, securities are issued by companies or governments and sold to investors for the first time. This is often done through an initial public offering (IPO), in which a company's stock is sold to the public for the first time.

In secondary markets, securities that have already been issued and sold in primary markets are bought and sold among investors. The most well-known secondary market is the stock market, where publicly traded companies' stocks are bought and sold.

OTC markets are decentralized markets where securities are traded directly between buyers and sellers, rather than on a formal exchange. OTC markets are often used to trade securities that are not listed on a formal exchange or that have more complex features, such as derivatives.

Securities can be traded through various channels, including online brokerages, full-service brokerage firms, and financial advisors. In most cases, buyers and sellers of securities interact through intermediaries, such as brokers or dealers, who facilitate the trade by finding a counterparty and executing the trade on behalf of the buyer or seller.

Benefits of investing in securities

One of the key benefits of investing in securities is transparency. Securities markets are regulated by government agencies, which helps to ensure that markets are fair and transparent and that investors are protected from fraud and other forms of misconduct. These regulations help to create a level of trust and confidence in the securities markets, which can make them a more attractive place to invest.

What are asset-backed securities?

Asset-backed securities (ABS) are financial instruments that are secured by a pool of assets, such as loans, leases, or receivables. ABS are created by securitizing these assets, which means that they are packaged into a new financial instrument that can be sold to investors. The cash flows generated by the underlying assets are used to pay the investors who hold the ABS. ABS can be issued by a variety of entities, including banks, finance companies, and other organizations that originate the underlying assets. They are often used as a way to raise capital and to manage risk.

Some examples of asset-backed securities include mortgage-backed securities, which are backed by a pool of mortgages, and auto loan-backed securities, which are backed by a pool of auto loans.

The purpose of creating ABS is to allow the issuer to sell a portion of the assets to investors, thereby providing a source of financing for the issuer and generating a return for the investors. ABS can be issued by a variety of entities, including banks, finance companies, and government agencies.

What is the difference between investments in claims and asset backed securities?

Claims are legal rights to receive payment from a company or individual. They may be unsecured, meaning they are not backed by any specific assets, or they may be secured by a pledge of specific assets as collateral. Examples of claims include bonds, debentures, and bank loans.

Asset-backed securities are financial instruments that are secured by a pool of assets. The assets can be diverse and can include things like mortgages, car loans, credit card receivables, or other types of loans. The cash flows from the underlying assets are used to pay investors in the asset-backed securities. The value of the asset-backed security is directly tied to the performance of the underlying assets.

As any other asset-backed securities, they are a regulated type of investment, providing investors with an opportunity to invest within the regulated environment of an authorized investment firm while being protected by the investor protection scheme.

Mots clés: p2p lending platforms
I like to take risks, That's how I make money. But they are calculated risks.


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